
Mindfulness Meditation

Information for Psychologists
The Melbourne Meditation Centre are specialists in meditation and mindfulness training, run courses and workshops almost continuously throughout the year, and work in conjunction with psychologists to offer cost-effective mindfulness training complimentary to clinical treatment for anxiety, depression, chronic pain, sleep disorders and other stress related conditions.

This page provides further information for psychologists wishing to refer clients to our centre for group mindfulness training, or to undertake training with us themselves.

If you’d like to get a better sense of what we do — or to experience the benefits of meditation and mindfulness for yourself — you are welcome to attend any of our workshops or courses at no charge.

Teaching Methodology

Our courses are presented in simple, practical language and are free of religious content. The techniques we teach are based on solid science and psychology and we do not favour any one approach. To ensure the comfort of all, including those with limited mobility, classes are conducted sitting on chairs.

Who May Attend

Our courses are attended by — and suitable for — people of all ages and backgrounds. Past participants have successfully used meditation and mindfulness to help alleviate insomnia, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, migraines, hypertension, digestive problems, fatigue, chronic pain and other stress related conditions.

 Techniques Taught

The courses utilise techniques recommended under the Better Access to Mental Health Care initiative, as well as strategies from other reliable and well-regarded sources. Participants learn:

• relaxation through body awareness and related practices
• breathing and breath awareness to release tension and stress
• mindfulness techniques to promote a calmer mind and emotional literacy
• cognitive strategies to reduce compulsive worry and anxiety

Course Details

If you have patients or clients who you think may benefit from these practices you may refer them to our website for further information or contact us and we’ll be happy to send you out some flyers or fact sheets.

Further Information

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Meditation Teacher Training

Looking for a deeper or more nuanced understanding of how mindfulness and meditation work and how to skillfully use these techniques with clients? We offer training specifically for psychologists and other health professionals.
Since completing the Learn to Meditate course through Melbourne Meditation Centre, I have recommended it to many of my patients. Why? Not only does the course teach a range of practical mindfulness meditation techniques that assist to reduce stress and anxiety, it is firmly grounded in medical research and evidence. I would highly recommend this course to long term meditators and people wanting to learn to meditate.
Dr Amanda Osborne

Casey Medical Centre, Cranbourne