
Meditation Teacher Training
4-Week Intensive

Clifton Hill, Melbourne

Gain the confidence to teach meditation and mindfulness with skill and integrity — in your own way — under the guidance of one of Melbourne’s most experienced teachers.

Next course starts February 2, 2025

Meditation Australia: Registered Training Course

On this page you’ll find details on our 80hr 4-Week Meditation Teacher Training Intensive, held over four Sundays in Clifton Hill.

You can also complete our Meditation Teacher Training on a 7-day retreat.

If you haven’t already, you may like to peruse the complete overview of our approach to Meditation Teacher Training.

Choose Your Path

Our 4-Week Meditation Teacher Training Intensive is open to anyone with an interest in guiding or teaching meditation.

However, to participate, you must have completed — or be participating concurrently — in our Meditation & Mindfulness for Beginners Course.

Find out what you’ll learn on the Beginners Course and why it’s a compulsory prerequisite.

Option 1

For students who are new to the Melbourne Meditation Centre.

Get started by enrolling in one of our upcoming 6-Week Meditation & Mindfulness for Beginners Courses,
(which you can complete at any of our venues across Melbourne and Geelong) then enrol in the Teacher Training Intensive.


Save $50, by enrolling in Complete Teacher Training,
which allows you to join one of our upcoming
6-Week Meditation & Mindfulness for Beginners Courses,
as well as the 4-Week Teacher Training Intensive.

$1810 / $1530 (Concession).

Option 2

For students who have already enrolled in (or completed) our 6-Week Meditation & Mindfulness for Beginners Course.

Enrol in our next 4-Week Teacher Training Intensive.

2025 Dates

February 2, 9, 16 & 23
Sundays from 10am — 4pm

$1595 / $1350 (Concession).

The Curriculum


The Melbourne Meditation Centre’s Teacher Training program covers all the areas required by Meditation Australia for accreditation, and offers a curriculum which is both thought-provoking and comprehensive.

Over ten fascinating modules, you’ll be introduced to topics and concepts that cover all the domains of learning necessary to fully equip you as meditation or mindfulness teacher in any context.

Expect an interactive, engaging class with opportunities for discussion, teaching practice, small-group work and both formal and informal learning.

Module 1: Meditation 101

In this introductory module we’ll explore the fundamentals of meditation and mindfulness.

We’ll take a look at some of the many ways in which meditation is defined, and then examine the assumptions and stereotypes that most students bring to class (and that make meditation more difficult and less adaptable than it needs to be).

Expect some serious myth-busting, along with some accessible and enjoyable beginner-friendly techniques.

Module 2: Mechanics of Meditation

Many people are introduced to meditation via YouTube or an app such as Headspace or Calm.

They’re usually given clear instructions to follow, but no explanations as to why they’re being asked to follow such instructions. This leaves them effectively blind, with no idea how to adapt the techniques according to their own unique needs and tastes.

In this module we take a deep dive into the mechanics of meditation, exploring the simple (but non-obvious) principles that underpin all meditation techniques.

We’ll do this by comparing and contrasting how our minds function ‘normally’ with how our minds function during meditation — and by investigating exactly how we use and direct our attention in order to access or generate meditative states.

Module 3: What Happens (When I Meditate?)

Meditation instructions are usually very simple. For example, you’ve probably heard the suggestion: “focus on your breath, and when you notice that your mind has wandered, gently bring your attention back.” That doesn’t sound too hard.

However, human minds are not so simple. And while people might think they are following meditation instructions, there’s typically a LOT more going on within.

As meditation teachers, we need to understand all the ways things can go right and wrong for a meditator. We need to understand what trips people up and what weird and wonderful things students will do (often without knowing it).

In this module we’ll explore the fact that what happens inside people minds (when they meditate) rarely looks anything like what people think is meant to happen.

We’ll also explore the attitudes and mindsets that are essential in order to develop a healthy meditation practice; noting that without these healthy attitudes no meditate technique will work as intended.

Module 4: The Creative Meditator

Having introduced meditations focusing on movement and touch, sounds, body and breath in previous modules, in this module we will branch out into visualisation, affirmation and mantra.

More interestingly, we’ll investigate the opportunities we have as meditators to adapt the techniques we’re familiar with according to our own needs. Well explore how meditation can be both a creative and intuitive process — and that by trusting in these inner drives we can keep our pratices both relevant and fresh.

Module 5: Thoughts & Emotions in Meditation

Almost everyone comes to meditation because their thoughts and emotions are creating some kind of stress or difficulty in their lives.

However, many meditation techniques do very little to directly address this difficulty.

In this module, we’ll explore the psychological principles that can help meditators work skillfully with their thoughts and emotions, and we’ll introduce unique principles and techniques that encourage students to develop healthy and harmonious relationships with them.

Module 6: Developing an Independent Meditation Practice

Meditation is easy. At least, it can be. However, remembering to meditate is often a much more difficult proposition. And developing and maintaining a consistent practice can also be challenging.

In this module we’ll explore various strategies for developing a meditation habit, maintaining motivation and interest and how best to encourage others.

Module 7: Understanding Your Students

It’s important to understand the theory and practice of meditation, but it’s even more important to understand the needs of your students.

It’s also critical to understand the preconceptions and hidden assumptions that students inevitably bring to class. 

If you fail to address these assumptions everything you teach will be undermined by the students misunderstandings.

In this module we’ll identify the common beliefs that prevent people from enjoying and benefiting from meditation and explore the ways we can ensure that students don’t inadvertently sabotage their efforts to learn.

Module 8: Guiding Meditation Skillfully

The guidance we offer as teachers has a huge bearing on  our students success. Therefore, it’s critical to understand the impact of your words, and to know what words (and concepts) to omit, and what to include.

In this module we examine various meditation scripts, noting what elements are effective and what elements cause unnecessary problems for your students.

You’ll also develop and share your own guided meditations with the class.

Module 9: Teaching Meditation Skillfully

There are thousands of meditation techniques. Which one(s) do you teach?

How do you answer the curly questions your students might ask?

How do you structure a class or workshop, and how does this differ from a 1-1 consultation?

How do you get good quality feedback from your students, so that you can assist them most effectively?

These are just some of the questions that we’ll address in this module exploring the nuts and bolts of teaching.

Module 10: Business Essentials

How do you promote and market your classes, so that you actually have someone to teach meditation to?

How much do you charge a corporate client? And how much do you charge a not-for-profit organisation? Should you offer your services for free?

What kinds of venues are most appropriate and do you need insurance?

We’ll explore these, and many more questions regarding the practicalities of teaching, whether that’s at your workplace,  busines,s or simply for your family or community.

What Our Graduates Are Saying

View more reviews on Google & Facebook.

Who is the course suitable for?

Typical participants include yoga teachers, psychologists, counsellors, massage therapists, teachers and others involved in education, health and wellbeing. Students usually go on to offer meditation in their community (e.g. school, TAFE, wellbeing centre, etc.) or workplace.

I just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity to experience your teaching. Teachers like you only come around rarely.

While the first part of the teacher training course was challenging, you managed to create an environment where we all felt supported in sharing our confusion, meditation experiences and growth. I was really impressed by the way you dealt with the multitude of issues that were tackled during the learning. Your humble attitude to instruction was incredibly freeing.

I now feel confident that I have a meditation practice that I am happy to share and have the skills to allow meditators to speak for themselves. Thank you so much.

Susanna D.

Industry Standard Qualification

Comprehensive course notes provided

Teach in your own style

Practical & Experiential

No multi-year time commitments


Lifetime access to online resources

Training teachers since 2006

Course Registration & Payment

Your place on Teacher Training is not guaranteed until payment in full has been received.

You can pay via direct debit, by cheque or money order, or by credit card via paymate.com.au or PayPal.

You may pay in installments. As long as you’ve paid in full by the time the course begins anything goes! When you register for the course, all you’ll need to do is select to pay by direct debit, and you can then make transfers on your own terms.

Payment Options.

I wanted to share with you how valuable I found the meditation teacher training to be. I really appreciated the open and calm environment and the practicality of the course.

I also got a lot out reading some of the recommended books not only in teaching meditation but also in my own personal meditation practice and journey.

I loved how the style of meditation teaching was so accessible to everyone and found that you were always so open to answering any questions and listening to any feedback from the trainees.

Lauren S.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be fully certified to start teaching meditation?

Yes. Provided you complete the course and the required coursework, you will graduate with a Meditation Teacher Training Certificate that allows you to immediately start teach meditation and mindfulness. You will also be able to apply for membership with Meditation Australia, the peak body responsible for representing and settings standards for meditation teachers in the country.

Is the Meditation Teacher Training course accredited?

Our Meditation Teacher Training course is accredited through Meditation Australia, the peak body responsible for representing and settings standards for meditation teachers in the country.

Successful completion of the course provides you with Industry Standard qualifications and a streamlined application process to become a Registered Meditation Teacher through Meditation Australia.

Will I be able to obtain personal indemity and public liability insurance having completed the course?

Yes. Given fulfilment of course requirements, you will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. This can be used to obtain the necessary Public Liability and / or Professional Indemnity Insurance that many organisations require before they employ you, or allow you to hire their premises.

What if I cannot make a session during the training?

You need to attend all 6 sessions of the Meditation & Mindfulness for Beginners Course and all 4 sessions of the Teacher Training Intensive in order to graduate.

However, there are several options available if you miss a class, including attending during a subsequent course, or participating in a retreat or mini-retreat.

You’ll also be able to work through any course material you miss via our Teacher Training website.

What is the cancellation policy?
I don't live in Melbourne. What are my options?

The 7-Night Teacher Training Retreat is ideal for people living interstate or overseas.

For those closer to Melbourne, you can complete the Meditation & Mindfulness for Beginners Course online, thereby minimising the number of visits to Melbourne.  However, to make up the necessary contact hours you will need to participate in one of our retreats (which range in length from 1 to 10 days).

Will I be able to offer Medicare Rebates having completed the course?

No. As there is currently no government accreditation for meditation courses, meditation teachers are not able to offer rebates. If you are an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker or a qualified Psychologist you can offer clients a Medicare Rebate when offering meditation instruction as part of a suite of psychological services.

What actually happens on course?

The Meditation Teacher training course is presented in six modules. There will be various practical exercises and discussions which revolve around the themes, theory and ideas presented in these modules. Students will work individually and in small groups to complete these exercises and will also be set three assignments and a range of case studies and homework exercises. Each student will also be required to present a guided meditation to the class and encouraged to lead a meditation in their own preferred setting.

I haven't done a meditation course before. Can I still participate?

The Teacher Training Course, in conjunction with the prerequisite Meditation & Mindfulness for Beginners Course, covers everything you need to know in order to teach meditation.

However, you don’t become an expert overnight! Whilst you can join our teacher training program with little previous experience, we recommend that you have two or more years of personal practice.

Will there be homework to do outside class?

Yes. There will be three assignments to complete, along with some weekly exercises and reading. 2 hours per week should be sufficient though you could easily dedicate more time to your extra-curricular learning. 

Note that the coursework does not need to be completed during the course.

Will I be required to complete an exam to receive my certificate?

No. There will be assignments and coursework to complete (in your own time), but no exam.

The Melbourne Meditation Centre was definitely the right school for me to get my teacher training. Great lesson content, delivery and location.

I loved the assignments as they were practical and useful. I learnt so much and felt encouraged to start teaching while in the course.

The other students were friendly and a great resource to learn more from.

Finally, the online resources were easily accessible and very comprehensive. A really great course.

Gabrielle E.

Thanks so much for the wonderful teacher training course. It has re-shaped my understanding of meditation, challenged me to begin to practise what I’ve learnt, and given me heart to keep going. I have learnt a lot about myself, and about how people learn meditation. I know I’m just scratching the surface.

Thankyou for your skillfulness, your openness, and your generous spirit in sharing so much of your experience with us. It has been a pleasure to be a member of this teacher training group.

Liu P.

I must express my gratitude for the way in which the course with you has benefited my own personal life, through my work, relationships, and the way in which my attitude and relationship towards meditating has improved. I have no doubt that you will continue to share your passion and humble knowledge with students throughout Australia.

Faye R.

Thanks for being a great teacher, for being humble and most importantly for me personally for being encouraging and not intimidating, you really do teach rather than lecture. Thanks — it made learning so much easier and enjoyable.

Kim R.

I want to express my appreciation to you for a fabulous experience with all the learning I have done both in and via the course. I feel ready to make a difference in incorporating meditation in peoples’ lives through teaching, but I also feel deeply enriched personally.

Robyn M.

I achieved so much more knowledge than I thought possible to learn about meditation and self. It [the online course] was so detailed — and offered in a way that made sense and was easy to understand.

Edward C.

I am really enjoying the [Beginners] course and it has already taught me far more than I expected.

Callum M.

I just want to say a big thank you for everything you have taught us during the course.

Studying with you has opened my mind to many new possibilities and kept me more open minded regarding all the techniques of meditation.

Also I love the way you teach, as you never criticise anyones way or method, instead you say what is needed to be said and you leave it up to the student to decide. That is a great way of teaching (which I will keep in mind).

Camille A.

I would like to thank you for conducting the Mediation Training Courses. I have benefited immensely from the two courses and am looking forward to completing more study in the area and hopefully becoming a meditation teacher in the not too distant future. I appreciated your non-judgmental  teaching style and the opportunity to explore meditation in a relaxed atmosphere. It was quite a commitment for us (traveling so far) but we would do it all again! We are looking forward to future courses with you.

Helen W.

Thank you so much, I’m really happy to have completed the coursework. It was such an enriching experience and also helped me through what is turning out to be a very difficult year for our family. Thanks for creating such informative, educational and inspiring courses. My time with MMC exceed my expectations and opened my mind to a variety of new perspectives and practices, which I’m very grateful for. I have also enjoyed and appreciated your intelligent, informed, equanimous professionalism. Thank you also for encouraging me to keep going with the teacher training when my sister fell ill and for the flexibility that enabled me to complete it, I really appreciate that as well.

Michele A.